Life Events, Special Needs, and Planning Strategies

Rays of light in a forest in summer

Norton Financial Consultants is here to assist you as you navigate through the many major milestones and happenings in your life, from marriage and divorce, to elder care, career changes and more.  Norton Financial Consultants can offer advice and financial strategy, as well as provide helpful resources when you have questions about financially impactful changes in your life. 

Elder Care and Planning:

Today, individuals are living longer than before, and caring for aging parents can be a difficult planning aspect to balance.   If you are trying to assist your aging parents, as well as balance the needs of your own family, Norton Financial Consultants has the financial expertise to help you determine if your parents’ resources are sufficient to pay for care, as well as propose cash-management strategies to protect and preserve those resources for most efficient use.  We work with elder care legal council for all aspects of long-term care planning. 

Marriage, Divorce, and Family: 

Marriage/Divorce:  Marriage, domestic partnerships, or simply co-habitation all come with questions about how to combine finances, property, etc.   In a divorce, the division of property, payment of alimony, and receipt of child support all come with federal income tax implications.   Norton Financial Consultants can help you explore your options, answer your questions and provide you with the resources you need. 

Family:  A child turning 18 is a major milestone in your child’s life.  At this milestone, parents should engage in a review of their own financial and estate plans, as well as take the opportunity to educate their children and help them plan a future driven by their own decisions.

Special Needs Individuals:

The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act created tax-favored accounts for individuals with disabilities.  These “529A” accounts are intended to be a low-cost alternative to special needs trusts.  A number of states have implemented their own ABLE programs, and most of them accept enrollments nationwide.  We can offer advice for the best way to augment special needs planning for your family member, young or old.


Career changes can be exciting, rewarding, and create financial uncertainty. As you prepare to leave one position and begin a new one, use our tips to help make the transition as seamless as possible—and keep your financial plan on track.  We offer comprehensive analysis of compensation agreements and benefits packages to help you with your career moves.  We also provide assistance with wrapping up loose ends from your prior company-all tailored to your goals and financial objectives.